The Tea on Living Well.
The tea on bloating
Bloating is not normal. It's your body's way of saying 'ouch' - something's not right in your gut. Whether it's food sensitivities, bacterial overgrowth, or stress, bloating is a sign of an imbalance in your digestive ecosystem. The good news is, by addressing the root causes through the ingredients in Happy Being along with other easy tweaks, you can heal your gut and say goodbye to that uncomfortable 'food baby' for good.
Dr. Leo Galland is a medical advisor and formulation team member at Happy Being. Based on his intensive research over the past 30 years, he emphasizes that bloating is not normal and is a sign of an imbalance in the gut ecosystem.
Here are the main causes of bloating:
- Dysbiosis (imbalance of gut bacteria)
- Food intolerances
- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO)
- Stress
- Poor eating habits (like eating too quickly)
- Lactose intolerance
Dr. Galland’s general approach to gut health aligns with the principles of taking targeted supplements like the ones in Happy Being, along with lifestyle changes to improve digestive wellness.
According to Dr. Galland, lifestyle changes to avoid bloating are:
- Identify and remove food triggers: Dr. Galland emphasizes the importance of identifying foods that may be causing irritation or inflammation in the gut1. He recommends starting an elimination diet and keeping a food journal to pinpoint which foods might be causing bloating or other digestive issues.
- Focus on whole foods: Dr. Galland advocates for eating plenty of whole, unprocessed foods, particularly non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins. These provide essential nutrients needed for gut healing and repair.
- Supplement wisely: Dr. Galland often recommends specific supplements to support gut health, such as Turmeric, Antioxidants and Vitamin D3 (all in Happy Being) to replenish beneficial gut bacteria.
- Practice mindful eating: Dr. Galland would likely emphasize the importance of eating mindfully. This includes taking time to chew food thoroughly, eating slowly, and avoiding distractions during meals to support proper digestion.
- Reduce sugar and processed foods: Dr. Galland has noted that diets high in sugar and processed foods can contribute to various gut-related issues. Reducing intake of these foods could help alleviate bloating.
- Consider food intolerances: Dr. Galland recognizes that food intolerances can trigger various disorders, including digestive issues. He would likely recommend testing for and addressing any potential food intolerances.
- Manage stress: While not explicitly mentioned in the search results, given Dr. Galland's holistic approach, he would likely recommend stress management techniques, as stress can significantly impact gut health and contribute to bloating.
It stinks when the food we like causes us pain, embarrassment, and worries that all come with bloating.
You shouldn't have to fear bloating when you're choosing what to eat. Drink Happy Being right after you eat a meal, and you will feel and have significantly less bloating. The ingredients in Happy Being tackle the root cause of bloating, improving digestion and allowing you to eat what you want without having to fear or worry about how you will feel after.
Ease bloating and eat more of what you want. Drink Happy Being after meals.