The Tea on Living Well.

It might be a jungle out there, but there’s an entire ecosystem inside of you - it’s called your microbiome and it’s composed of the genetic material from all of the bacteria, protozoa, and viruses that live in & on the human body. Sure, it sounds kind of creepy, but we actually need these bacteria to help digest our food, regulate our immune system, and protect against bigger & badder bacteria that cause disease. Not only that, but the microbes in our microbiome help produce essential nutrients like vitamins B, B12, Vitamin K, thiamine, and riboflavin.


your microbiome is your inner ecosystem composed of the genetic material from the bacteria that lives in and on the human body!


When we’re healthy, helpful (symbiotic) and harmful (pathogenic) bacteria coexist in the microbiome without any conflict. However, lifestyle factors like illness or poor diet can disturb this peace, resulting in turmoil that leads to higher susceptibility to disease.


The microbiome that flourishes in your gut is especially important to your overall health. Dwelling in the cecum (the opening chamber of the large intestine), a thriving gut microbiome contains symbiotic bacteria and immune cells that fight off disease-carrying pathogens. And because your gut actively communicates directly with the brain via nerves and hormones, a healthy gut biome leads to better brain health and mood, in addition to a healthier digestive system and better immunity. Your microbiome carries a lot on its shoulders!


Whenever you eat, you’re actually sharing with the 500-1000 species of organisms that live in your microbiome - it’s important to choose the right food to keep them happy! Fiber-rich foods like beans and fresh fruit are magical for a reason: they promote the growth of bifidobacteria, a probiotic that helps relieve abdominal pain. Fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir taste nice and funky because of the presence of lactobacilli, a super-healthy bacteria that helps reduce the spread of disease-carrying organisms in the gut. Eating prebiotic foods like artichokes and bananas, as well as polyphenol-rich foods like red wine and green tea each further stimulate the growth of helpful gut bacteria. And finally, commercially-available probiotics can supplement your diet to restore the gut to a healthy state after instances of dysbiosis.


Fiber-rich foods promote the growth of bifidobacteria, a probiotic that helps relieve abdominal pain.


We understand that good health takes serious guts. Which is why happy being® is tailor-made for boosting the health of your microbiome. Every bottle has 35 mg of EGCG, a polyphenol that promotes gut health by fighting off harmful pathogens while feeding the good guys. So drink to your health - seriously!