diving into your brain with david eagleman

diving into your brain with david eagleman

David Eagleman is a fascinating scientist, writer, and speaker who has devoted his career to exploring the human brain. With a background in neuroscience and philosophy, Eagleman has made major contributions to our understanding of perception, time perception, and the plasticity of the brain. He has also explored groundbreaking applications of sensory substitution, expanding human perception beyond what we thought was possible.

The Neuroscience Journey of David Eagleman

Early Life and Education

David Eagleman was born in 1971 in New Mexico and grew up in the Middle East, where his father worked as a surgeon. Despite being dyslexic, Eagleman was a voracious reader and attended a selective high school in New Mexico, where he excelled in math and science. Eagleman's interest in science grew when he was a teenager and he read a book on the brain, which fascinated him. As an undergraduate student at Rice University, he initially majored in British and American literature but switched to neuroscience in his senior year after being captivated by a lecture on the brain and perception.

At Baylor College of Medicine, Eagleman pursued his Ph.D. in neuroscience. During his graduate studies, he researched the neural basis of synesthesia, a neurological condition in which the stimulation of one sensory modality leads to an automatic, involuntary experience in another modality. Eagleman's research in synesthesia was groundbreaking, and he published several papers on the topic.

Career and Research Highlights

Eagleman is currently a professor of neuroscience at Stanford University and the CEO of Neosensory, a company that develops devices for sensory substitution. Over the course of his career, he has made major contributions to our understanding of the human brain. One of his most notable contributions was his research on time perception, which showed that the brain processes time in a non-linear fashion. This research challenged the traditional view that time is processed in a linear fashion and has important implications for our understanding of how the brain processes information.

Another important area of Eagleman's research is on the plasticity of the brain. He has shown that the brain is capable of rewiring itself in response to changes in the environment. This research has important implications for the treatment of neurological disorders, such as stroke and traumatic brain injury.

Eagleman is also known for his work on sensory substitution, which is the use of one sensory modality to replace another. For example, a device that converts visual information into auditory information can help blind individuals "see" the world through sound. Eagleman's research has expanded our understanding of how the brain processes sensory information and has led to the development of novel sensory substitution devices.

Notable Publications and Contributions

Aside from his groundbreaking scientific research, Eagleman is also known for his popular science writing. He has authored several books, including "Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives," which explores the concept of the afterlife through a series of short stories, and "Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain," which delves into the mysteries of the human brain and consciousness. His book "The Brain: The Story of You" provides a comprehensive overview of the human brain and its functions.

Eagleman has also hosted and produced several documentaries and television series on the brain and perception. His documentary "The Brain with David Eagleman" aired on PBS and explored the inner workings of the human brain.

Understanding the Human Brain

The human brain is one of the most complex and fascinating organs in the body. It is responsible for controlling our thoughts, emotions, movements, and senses, and yet there is still so much we don't know about it. This is where the work of neuroscientist David Eagleman comes in.

The Mysteries of Perception

One of Eagleman's major research areas has been perception. He has explored how the brain perceives color, sound, and other sensory inputs, uncovering many of the mysteries of perception. Through his research, he has shown that our brains don't simply receive sensory input and process it; instead, they actively construct our perceptual experience.

For example, when we see a red apple, our brain doesn't just register the color red and the shape of an apple. It also takes into account our past experiences with apples, our expectations of what an apple should look like, and the context in which we are seeing the apple. All of these factors shape our perception of the apple, and they are constantly changing as we encounter new stimuli and learn new things.

Eagleman's research has also shown that our perception of the world is not as objective as we might think. In fact, our brains can be easily fooled by optical illusions and other tricks of the mind. This is because our brains are constantly making assumptions and filling in gaps in our sensory input based on past experiences and expectations.

The Role of Time in Our Brains

Eagleman has also done groundbreaking work on time perception. He has shown that the brain doesn't just perceive time objectively but rather constructs our sense of time based on a variety of factors. For example, when we are waiting for something to happen, time seems to drag on forever, whereas when we are fully engaged in an activity, time seems to fly by.

Eagleman has also explored how our subjective perception of time changes depending on a variety of factors, including age, sleep deprivation, and drug use. For example, when we are young, time seems to pass more slowly, whereas as we get older, it seems to speed up. Similarly, when we are sleep deprived or under the influence of certain drugs, our perception of time can become distorted.

The Plasticity of the Brain

Eagleman has also explored the plasticity of the brain, showing that it can rewire itself in response to experience. This research has major implications for neuroplasticity, including the potential for rehabilitation after brain injuries and the ability to enhance brain function through experience.

For example, Eagleman has shown that people who lose their sight can learn to "see" with their other senses, such as touch and hearing. This is because the brain is able to rewire itself to process sensory input from these other senses in the absence of visual input.

Eagleman's research has also shown that the brain is capable of adapting to new environments and experiences. For example, studies have shown that London taxi drivers, who have to navigate the city's complex streets, have larger hippocampi (a part of the brain involved in spatial navigation) than non-taxi drivers. This suggests that the brain is able to adapt and change in response to new challenges.

In conclusion, David Eagleman's research has shed light on some of the most fascinating and mysterious aspects of the human brain. Through his work on perception, time perception, and neuroplasticity, he has shown that the brain is not a fixed and unchanging organ, but rather a dynamic and adaptable one that is constantly shaping and being shaped by our experiences.

The World of Sensory Substitution

The human body has five basic senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. These senses allow us to interact with the world around us, but what if we could expand our perception beyond these basic senses? This is the question that has driven the research of Dr. David Eagleman, a neuroscientist and inventor who has dedicated his career to exploring the limits of human perception.

The VEST Project

One of Eagleman's most fascinating areas of research has been sensory substitution, or the ability to expand human perception beyond what we previously thought was possible. In one notable project, called the VEST (Vestibular Sensory Substitution) project, Eagleman and his team developed a vest that can translate sound input into vibrations on the skin, allowing the wearer to "hear" through touch. This technology has major implications for people with hearing impairments, who may be able to use the vest to experience sound in a new way.

The VEST works by using a series of small motors embedded in the vest that vibrate in response to sound waves. These vibrations are then felt by the wearer as patterns on their skin, which the brain can interpret as sound. While the technology is still in its early stages, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about hearing and sensory input.

Expanding Human Perception

Eagleman has also explored other forms of sensory substitution, including the ability to "see" through sound or "hear" through touch. His work in this area has shown the incredible plasticity of the brain and the potential for new forms of sensory input.

For example, in one experiment, Eagleman and his team used a device called a "vOICe" to translate visual input into sound. The device converts visual images into a series of tones that can be heard through headphones. With practice, users can learn to interpret these sounds as visual information, effectively allowing them to "see" through sound.

Similarly, Eagleman has explored the potential for people to "hear" through touch by using a device that translates sound waves into patterns of electrical stimulation on the skin. While these technologies are still in their early stages, they offer a glimpse into the incredible potential for expanding human perception beyond our basic senses.

The Future of Sensory Augmentation

Eagleman's work in sensory substitution has major implications for the future of technology and human enhancement. As we continue to develop new forms of sensory input and ways to expand human perception, the possibilities for human augmentation are endless.

For example, imagine a world where people could "see" in complete darkness by using a device that translates infrared radiation into visual information. Or a world where people could "taste" flavors through a device that stimulates the taste buds with electrical impulses. These technologies may sound like science fiction, but they are becoming increasingly feasible as our understanding of the brain and sensory input continues to expand.

While there are certainly ethical concerns surrounding the use of sensory augmentation technologies, there is no denying the incredible potential they hold for improving the lives of people with disabilities or enhancing the abilities of healthy individuals. As Eagleman's work has shown, the limits of human perception are far from set in stone.

David Eagleman's Popular Science Books

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives

In "Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives," Eagleman explores the concept of the afterlife through a series of inventive and thought-provoking stories. Each story explores a different version of the afterlife, challenging readers to think deeply about what comes after we die.

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain

"Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain" delves into the mysteries of the brain, exploring the unconscious processes that dictate so much of our behavior. Eagleman challenges readers to think deeply about what consciousness really means and how our brains construct our sense of self.

The Brain: The Story of You

In "The Brain: The Story of You," Eagleman explores the incredible complexity of the human brain, showcasing the ways in which it shapes our lives and our experiences. He also explores the implications of our expanding understanding of the brain, from the potential for brain-machine interfaces to the ethical implications of manipulating our own brains.


David Eagleman's work has transformed our understanding of the human brain, uncovering profound mysteries and showing us new ways to expand human perception and explore the frontiers of our own consciousness. Through his research, writing, and speaking engagements, Eagleman continues to push the boundaries of what we thought was possible, taking us on a journey into the inner workings of our own minds.